Sunday, August 28, 2022

Is Monkeypox Virus Covered under Health Insurance Policy?

After Covid-19, the Monkeypox  virus outbreak is the latest one alarming people in India. Amidst the scare of rapid spread, people want to know if this virus is covered under health insurance policies . Let’s find out.

With more than 27,814 people already being affected in 89 nations globally, including 9 cases from  India till August 2022, Monkeypox is definitely causing an alarming situation.  In fact, WHO also declared Monkeypox a global health emergency on 23 July 2022 with the highest alarm. But what is Monkeypox and where does it come from? Let’s find out in this post.

What is Monkeypox?

Monkeypox is a viral infection that is caused by monkeypox virus. This virus is a constituent of the Orthopoxvirus genus which comprises Variola virus – that causes smallpox. Monkeypox disease is a zoonosis or a disease that gets transmitted from an infected animal to humans.

The symptoms of Monkeypox are similar to smallpox. However, it is said to have milder effects in terms of contagiousness  as compared to smallpox. Monkeypox is also said to affect children more as opposed to adults.

Being a communicable disease, Monkeypox can easily spread from person to person with close contact. It can also spread through animals and objects that are contaminated with the monkeypox  virus infection. Bodily fluids of an infected person is another source that can spread Monkeypox. Once infected, the virus stays for about 2 weeks to 4 weeks before going away with proper Monkeypox treatment. However, with children it might cause complications and can become fatal.

Read More: Monkeypox Virus – Key Facts – Everything You Need To Know Including Symptoms, Causes, Prevention

Symptoms of Monkeypox Virus

As already mentioned, the Monkeypox symptoms are milder as compared to smallpox. Here’s a list of some common Monkeypox virus symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Rash like blisters (face, body)
  • Headache
  • Chills
  • Muscle pain
  • Back pain
  • Exhaustion and low energy
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Exhaustion
  • Pox rashes
  • Discomfort
  •  Other medical complications

Monkeypox virus was first discovered in 1958 when a pox-like disease was detected in monkeys. These Monkeys were kept for research, which got infected with the disease and it was termed as Monkeypox. Human cases of Monkeypox have been detected in 11 African countries since 1970.  Further, with International travel and imported articles, the virus spread outside Africa.

Is Monkeypox Virus Covered under Health Insurance in India?

With the increasing number of monkeypox cases across the globe, people are now curious to know if the new disease is covered under health insurance policy so that the treatment cost for the virus can be recovered. And you would be glad to know that Monkeypox is covered under almost all health insurance policies offered by different insurers in the country.

Being an infectious disease, Mokeypox is covered by all insurers in India to protect the policyholder against medical costs incurred in curing this disease.  Hence, anyone with a suitable health insurance policy can get coverage for Monkeypox including hospitalization expenses, costs of OPD treatment and ICU charges, as well as ambulance  charges among others.

However, depending on the insurance policy, the scope of the coverage will vary from individual to individual. For example, most health insurance plans cover hospitalization costs, but every plan may not cover OPD costs. Thus, it is important to go through the policy terms and conditions well before raising a claim for Monkeypox.

Is there a Waiting Period for Monkeypox Under Health Insurance?

Be it any health insurance plan, it will not offer coverage from the first day onwards for monkeypox. Rather, the insured will get coverage only after the completion of the waiting period.  Most standard health insurance plans in India are available with a 30 days initial waiting period. Except for accidental claims, no other claims are covered by the company during this waiting period.

Hence, policyholders can raise claims against monkeypox only after the initial 30 day waiting period gets over. And if an insured raises a claim before that period, the insurer will not approve the claim.

How to Prevent Monkeypox Virus?

Below are some easy tips to prevent the virus of monkeypox infect you:

  • Maintain distance from people with monkeypox like rash
  • Never touch the rash of individuals infected by the virus
  • Maintain the practice of regular washing of hands with soap and water. Also, you can use a sanitizer (alcohol-based) to clean your hands
  • Do not drink from the glass used by a person infected with monkeypox. Also do not share food with an infected person
  • Eat meat that is fully-cooked
  • Do not touch bedding, towels and other clothes of an infected person
  • Do not go near stray monkeys or rodents. Also, maintain distance from sick or dead animals

To Conclude

The spread of Monkeypox worldwide has become a cause of concern. Despite being less infectious, Monkeypox is still a dangerous disease, especially for children. We cannot predict at the moment if the Monkeypox virus will spread like other viruses in recent times such as Covid-19. However, it is always better to stay prepared for any such untoward situation. And covering yourself and your family under the best health insurance plan for your family is the most essential thing that you should do to stay safe from monkeypox in India. Further, securing elderly members of the family with health insurance for senior citizens is also important to ensure their safety from Monkeypox.

So, choose the best health insurance company in India offering the best plans to get protection from different diseases such as Monkeypox.

Found this post informational? Browse PayBima Blogs to read interesting posts related to Health Insurance, Car Insurance, Bike Insurance, Term Life Insurance and Investment section. You can visit PayBima to Buy Insurance Online.


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Critical Illness Rider in Term Insurance – A Detailed Guide

Critical Illness Rider in Term Insurance Plan – Know Everything in Detail

If there is any certainty in life, it is that it does not come with any guarantee. Our lives are indeed unpredictable because of which we must take certain steps to ensure the well-being and security of our loved ones, in case of our demise. One of the means of doing so is taking a term insurance policy of adequate coverage. The trouble with many term insurance policies, however, is that they may only grant the nominee the benefits after the policyholder has died. Therefore, events, where the policyholder might incur a huge medical expense before his death, may put additional financial hardships on the family. To counter such an event, it is recommended that you expand the coverage provided by your term insurance policy with a suitable rider such as a critical illness rider.

term insurance
What is a Critical Illness Rider?

Critical illness rider is additional coverage that you can add to your term insurance policy by paying an extra premium. If the policyholder is diagnosed with a critical illness, the family gets a lump sum amount. A critical illness plan provides coverage against diseases such as cancer, heart diseases, tumor, kidney failure, and many more.

Eligibility criteria to buy a critical illness rider

To buy a critical illness rider, one has to be within the eligibility criteria as mentioned below:

Parameters Eligibility
Minimum entry age 18 years
Maximum entry age 65 years
Maximum maturity age 75 years
Sum assured Minimum – Same as the sum assured of the base policy

Maximum – No Limit

Waiting period 90 days
Survival period 30 days
Coverage period Same as life insurance policy term
Premium payment term Regular pay or limited pay  for 5 and 10 years
Premium payment mode Same as the base policy

Read More: Is Critical Illness Cover Included in Term Insurance Plans?

What are the documents you need for a critical illness rider?

You need to submit certain documents while registering a claim for a critical illness rider. The documents include:

  • Filled Claim Form
  • Original Policy Documents
  • Policyholder’s Address Proof
  • Policyholder’s Photo ID Proof
  • Medical Reports Attending Medical Practitioner’s Certificate
  • Medical Test Reports (depicting the life assured’s diagnosed illness)
  • Bank statement/canceled cheque copy.

Benefits of having a critical illness rider

A critical illness rider surely comes with many benefits. A few of them are mentioned herein below:

  • A critical illness rider works as a replacement for income
  • The medical expenses can be well taken care of
  • You get coverage for illnesses such as cancer, organ transplant, heart attack, paralysis, kidney failure, bypass surgery, and stroke
  • You will be able to avail of double tax benefits.

Factors to consider while buying a critical illness rider

Keeping certain things into consideration will make it easier to take an informed decision about buying a critical illness rider. Here are some of them:

  • You can pay the installments in premium
  • The benefit amount paid is equal to the selected critical illness cover
  • In case of death of the policyholder or total permanent disability, the chosen sum assured amount is payable
  • The benefit is paid to the insured during the first diagnosis itself
  • The policyholder can avail of tax benefits under Section 80C and 80D of the Income Tax Act.

Some of the popular term insurance plans for critical illness

The best term insurance policies that come with critical illness cover are discussed herein below:

1. DHFL Pramerica Flexi Term

Insurer: DHFL Pramerica Term Insurance Company

It is a financial protection plan that can be customized. It is one of the best term insurance policies in India that one can buy to safeguard the future of their family. Under this plan, you can add a booster to the life cover as per the changing stages of life. Also, you will be able to choose from five protection options, which include Life Boost, Life Cover, Life Health Hike, Life Smart Step Up, and Life Total.

2. Bharati AXA Flexi Term

Insurer: Bharti AXA Term Insurance Company

The policy offers flexibility to choose from three different life coverage pay-out options. The insured can get a one-time payment of the sum assured. The payout is for 15 years and in every successive year, the income increases by 10%. However, half of the sum assured is offered in lump sum amount at the death of the insured. You can choose from three critical illnesses cover while signing up for the policy. The three critical covers are Major Illness Cover which covers 15 major critical diseases, Comprehensive Cover which covers 34 critical diseases, and Heart & Cancer Cover which covers 9 critical diseases for heart and cancer.

3. Bajaj Allianz e-Touch Online Term

Insurer: Bajaj Allianz Term Insurance Company

It is a comprehensive term insurance plan in which along with premium waiver benefits, you will also get health, life, and accidental insurance. The plan offers protection to the insured against various odds. The several variants that the plan comes with include Shield, Shield Super, Shield Super, and Shield Supreme.

Apart from these, there are several other term insurance plans with which you can get critical illness riders also. To get an estimate of the premiums you have to pay for the term insurance plan, you can even use a term insurance policy calculator. While doing all these, do not forget to compare the various term insurance plans to find the best one for you and your family.

Found this post informational? Browse PayBima Blogs to read interesting posts related to Health Insurance, Car Insurance, Bike Insurance, Term Life Insurance and Investment section. You can visit PayBima to Buy Insurance Online.


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6 Easy Yoga Poses for Kids and its Benefits

Easy Yoga Poses for Kids and its Benefits

Did you know that babies are born yogis? Yes, yoga is instilled in every child right from birth. It’s only natural then that they adapt to this healthy practice rather quickly and also enjoy a  multitude of benefits that it offers. This blog lists out 6 simple yoga poses that your child can start practicing right away and the benefits of each on their physical and mental well-being.

The age-old and ageless practice of yoga has never failed to benefit anyone who has practiced it diligently. This only goes on to prove that children are no exception to this rule either. In fact, a child who has been performing yoga asanas (postures) and mudras (hand gestures) right from the time of their birth is only bound to experience the several benefits of the practice. When yoga comes so naturally to children, why not push them a little further to go deeper into the science that promises physical and mental calm and overall well-being? This is why this post talks about simple yoga poses for kids that they can do on their own.

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Why Should Kids Practice Yoga?

While regular practice of yoga benefits everybody, children or adults alike, kids in particular stand to gain a lot of advantage from it. This is because a child’s body and mind both are more adaptive to new changes and experiences than those of adults. This is why when they practice yoga regularly over a period of time, it tends to open up a whole new world for them which includes some of the following:

  • A sense of physical calm, particularly in case of restless children
  • A sense of mental and emotional calm in case of anxious children
  • Lower stress in terms of study pressure, family problems, parental/peer pressure, and the like
  • Improved physical strength and internal immunity
  • Improved attention and concentration to a particular activity

With all these advantages to avail of, a child’s personality is only likely to bloom.

Easy Yoga Poses for Kids

In case you’re introducing the practice of yoga to your child for the first time, it’s a good idea to begin with some fairly simple poses that they can comfortably carry out as per their age. This is why we’ve carefully shortlisted some very simple yoga poses for kids that your child can start with. Some of these asanas are also animal yoga poses for kids, meaning that the posture resembles a particular animal. This makes it fun for children to remember the yoga pose name as well as enact it with eagerness.

6 Simple Yoga Poses for Kids with Benefits of Each

Here are the top 6 yoga asanas that your child would love to do every morning with or without you! Each of the yoga poses has its benefits listed alongside for your reference.

1. Easy Sitting Pose

  • It is also known as Sukhasana, sukh meaning comfort and asana meaning posture. This comfortable posture suits children of every age group, even toddlers. This is the first and the most basic yoga pose that you can start your child with. Even though sitting in Sukhasana (cross-legged) comes so naturally to everyone, including children, very few know the immense benefits of this posture.

Benefits of the pose:

  • Brings more body flexibility, particularly of the hips and legs area
  • Encourages correct sitting posture
  • Helps relax the body completely
  • Lowers stress in the body, thereby reducing tiredness and fatigue
  • Improves focus

2. Child Pose:

This posture is called so for a reason. It resembles the position of a child relaxing during sleep. If you notice keenly, you’d find most babies and toddlers sleeping in this posture often. This is because they find it extremely relaxing.

To do this pose, make the child sit on the knees. Their heels would be touching their hips. This posture is also known as vajrasana. Now ask them to stretch their arms out front as far as possible and feel the stretch as they do so. Now, they can bring back the arms to the sides of the body and lay them there as you relax in the position completely.

Benefits of the pose:

  • Helps release stress and tension from the body
  • Works as a great soothing technique for kids
  • Increases flexibility and core strength of lower body – hips, legs and ankles, in particular
  • Helps calm down an overactive, upset, or stressed child

3. Cobra Pose:

  • This is one animal pose that your child would simply love indulging in. In fact, you can encourage them to actually hiss like a cobra each time they get into the posture, to keep the momentum going.

It’s fairly simple to do as well. Make the child lie down on a yoga mat, with the stomach facing down and touching the mat. Let their palms rest alongside their chest. Make sure the toes point outward. Now ask the child to lift up the upper part of their body taking the support of their hands. The neck can go as back as comfortably as possible, nearly resembling a hissing cobra.

Benefits of the pose:

  • Helps promote blood circulation throughout the body
  • Helps improve creativity skills in the child
  • Helps lend strength to the muscles in the chest, abdomen, arms, and back, improving flexibility
  • Helps correct overall body posture

4. Butterfly Pose:

  • This is yet another favorite yoga pose for most kids because it allows them to fly away like a butterfly! You can increase the fun for your child by imagining a short story of a butterfly flying away from its home to different flowers in search of nectar.

See the broad smile on their face as they sit there legs folded, toes touching one another, and flapping their wings (thighs) strongly. Encourage them to flap harder to fly higher like a butterfly!

Benefits of the pose:

  • Helps reduce stress and tiredness
  • Works great at improving digestion
  • Also helps reduce headaches in children due to dress

5. Tree Pose:

  • From animals, we move on to trees. Tree pose is loved by kids of all ages and you can also ask your child to try out a few different variations of the pose. To get into the tree pose, ask the child to place one foot over the other leg and fold your hands as you do so. Now ask them to hold the arms with hands folded, over the head. Try that the child is able to retain body balance as they make an effort to stay in that pose for a little while longer.

Benefits of the pose:

  • Helps teach body balance
  • Helps improve correct body posture
  • Helps provide sensory input to the body

6. Corpse Pose:

This is again the easiest of all the various yoga poses for kids. It involves simply lying down in quiet on your back, body straight, with focus on relaxing the body completely.

Benefits of the pose:

  • Helps improve focus at work
  • Helps boost creativity
  • Helps support overall relaxation and calm in the body
  • Helps reduce stress, tension, and anxiety in the body and mind

To Conclude

Every parent’s prime concern is the good health of their child. Encouraging yoga practice is only one such step in the direction. If you want to fully secure the future and health of your child for a lifetime, do make sure to purchase health insurance for your kids and other family members in addition to yours. While yoga would definitely help improve child immunity, doctor visits and treatments may still be needed. In these times, a health insurance plan comes in real handy to cover the costs incurred on the treatment of your child’s illness.

Found this post informational? Browse PayBima Blogs to read interesting posts related to Health Insurance, Car Insurance, Bike Insurance, Term Life Insurance and Investment section. You can visit PayBima to Buy Insurance Online.


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Top 5 FAQs about Sub-limits under the Health Insurance Policy

Buying a health insurance policy is one of the wisest things that you can do for yourself and your family. It will not only help in saving you a lot of money but also helps in getting the right treatment from the best hospital in your city. However, when you buy a health insurance policy, you need to know about many things. One of the most important things is the sub-limit in health insurance. So, let us discuss the sub-limit under health insurance today.

5 FAQs about Sub-limits under the Health Insurance Policy

1. What is a Sub-limit in Health Insurance?

The meaning of a sub-limit in health insurance is a pre-determined capping that is applied by the insurance companies on a few of the medical expenses under a health insurance policy. It can be called a limit of the claim amount that the insurance company will pay for a healthcare expense. Sub-limits are applicable in reimbursement as well as cashless settlement.

2. What are the Types of Sub-limits under Health Insurance?

There are majorly two types of sub-limits in health insurance, which include:

  • Sub-limits on particular diseases: If you plan to buy a health insurance policy these days, you will find insurance companies offering insurance products for various types of illnesses, to people and families. There are sub-limits on the diseases that can be covered under a health insurance policy.  Even if the sum insured is high, the entire hospitalization expenses cannot be claimed because of the sub-limit clause on some of the medical illnesses and procedures.

    Therefore, while buying a health insurance policy with a sub-limit, you must find out all additional information related to the illnesses that fall under the sub-limits clause. You should also try to know the coverage limit for particular illnesses. This will help you to decide while buying a health insurance policy.

  • Sub-limits on room-rent: Under this option, the insurance provider covers the hospital rent on a per-day basis but to a certain limit. On choosing a room on a per-day basis and if the rent is more than the sub-limit, the additional charges have to be paid by the insured. The type of hospital room you are taking on rent is also capped under this sub-limit. For example, if only twin-sharing or a general room has been mentioned by the insurance provider, and if you take a private room, you have to pay an extra premium.

3. What are the benefits of sub-limits in health insurance?

Sub-limits are usually restricted to room rents and certain specified illnesses. Nevertheless, you may come across some insurance companies that may let you customize the sub-limits as per your convenience. You need to know that the health insurance policies that do not come with sub-limits have premiums higher compared to the health plans that have sub-limits. Therefore, before you purchase a health insurance policy, you must assess your needs as well as your budget.

4. Do all insurance plans come with sub-limits?

Sub-limits are applied on only some insurance plans and not all of them. Some insurance providers apply sub-limits only on certain illnesses and room rents, in most cases. You may even find an insurance provider that will let you reject the clause.

Also Read: How Much Health Insurance Do You Need in India?

5. How do you find out if sub-limits are included in health insurance plans?

The foremost thing that you need to do is to visit the website of the health insurance company and understand the meaning of sub-limits in detail. You can also find out from the website if they apply sub-limits on some health plans. Another thing that you can do is to check the policy documents such as terms and conditions and prospectus to understand the sub-limits that are applied under the health insurance policy that you intend to buy.

To conclude, we can say that understanding and finding all kinds of details about health insurance plans and the sub-limits applied to them is very important before you make a decision. This will help you to stay away from any kind of surprises while claiming the sum insured.

Found this post informational? Browse PayBima Blogs to read interesting posts related to Health Insurance, Car Insurance, Bike Insurance, Term Life Insurance and Investment section. You can visit PayBima to Buy Insurance Online.


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Tomato Flu in India: All About the Rare Viral Disease Symptoms and Treatment

While India is still struggling to cope with the global COVID-19 pandemic, with fresh cases resurfacing across the country, there’s another scare being reported – Tomato Flu. It is a rare viral disease that is rapidly infecting children over India. Apparently, the infection is known to affect kids more than adults.

This blog details everything about this rare disease, its common symptoms, and possible treatment options. Read on.

What is Tomato Flu?

As stated above, Tomato Flu is a rare disease that spreads through a virus, causing red rashes on the body. These rashes appear in the color and shape of a tomato, hence the name. Tomato Flu is also known by another name – Tomato Fever. Note that the symptoms and treatment of Tomato Flu are both just as those for Dengue fever or Chikungunya.

Tomato Fever was reported in India in the states of Kerala and Odisha in May this year. In fact, Tomato Flu Kerala cases were on the rise which forced the state to enforce strict checks on entry of visitors from other parts of the country. The disease is reported to affect young children between the age of 1 and 9 years.

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Is Tomato Flu the Same as Hand Foot and Mouth Disease?

The red rashes or blisters that appear on the child’s body look quite similar to the ones that can be seen in case of Hand Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD). Hence, Tomato Flu can sometimes be confused for HFMD. Actually, Tomato Fever is in fact one of the forms or a variation of HFM Disease commonly found in young children. The reason that both these infections grip children more than adults is the weak immune system of kids that finds it hard to fight off these diseases.

Tomato Flu Virus Symptoms

How to identify this rare disease in children? Here are some of the most common Tomato Flu symptoms to watch out for in your child:

  • Irritation Or Itching Of Skin: This is generally the very first symptom that you may start noticing. The child may develop severe itching in the skin and would have the tendency to keep scratching the body. This is even before the rashes or blisters become visible.
  • Fever: Along with itching, the child may develop temperature as well, mild or high both. Note that sometimes there may only be fever with no itching signs.
  • Body pain: Some older kids may complain of body ache; however, small children may not be able to express it as clearly. If the child cries continuously and keeps moving around while lying in bed, chances are he/she is experiencing pain in the body.
  • Blisters: Within a day or two of developing itching and/or fever, the child will start developing red-colored rashes on palms, soles of the feet, and buttock area. These are the common areas where rashes are the most prominent. They soon start developing into tomato-shaped blisters which may or may not be painful. In case of pain, consult your child’s pediatrician.
  • Mouth sores: The child would also develop ulcer-like sores inside the mouth which are quite painful too. This would prevent the child from eating or sometimes even drinking anything. Some children may be more comfortable with taking liquid diet for a few days until the painful sores heal up, while some others may not be able to take even water. It’s also normal for the child’s appetite to go down during this time.
  • Tiredness: The child may also start to feel extremely fatigued or tired.
  • Swelling in joints: This is yet another symptom of Tomato Flu; some children may experience a mild swelling in their joints which can cause pain.

Tomato Flu Causes

Now let’s understand what exactly is Tomato Flu caused by. A number of health experts across the world are expressing concern over this rapidly spreading rare viral disease. However, none of them is able to ascertain the real cause of Tomato Fever.

All that is known so far is that the disease is caused by a virus by the name of coxsackievirus. This virus is commonly found in young children, mostly up to the age of 5 years. The disease is highly contagious and can easily spread from one infected child to another by touching each other or sitting and playing close to one another.

Besides this, young children are also prone to catching the virus from unclean surfaces like dirty floors, putting dirty things in their mouths, and the like. Experts also state that while the true cause of Tomato Flu is yet to be discovered, it definitely seems to be a variation of the otherwise common Hand Foot and Mouth Disease.

How Can Tomato Flu be Treated?

We discussed the common symptoms of the disease and what could be the possible causes. Now let’s discuss how can Tomato Fever be treated.

Doctors say that the infection is like any other viral flu and can therefore be easily treated at home, without the need for any medication. The only point to remember is that the child should be kept in isolation since the disease is highly contagious among children. The child should not be sent to school for at least a week or until they feel completely better.

Also, the treatment for Tomato Flu is quite similar to the one followed for Dengue or Chikungunya since the symptoms for all of them are also quite similar. The patient is advised to take plenty of fluids and hot water sponge every day to treat the rashes.

No specific medicine is prescribed for Tomato Flu; in case of fever, paracetamol may be given to the child at a gap of 6 hours. In case of severe itching, your child’s pediatrician may prescribe an ointment to reduce the itchiness of the skin. Also, make sure that the child does not peel the blisters. They should dry up on their own and shed off within a few days, after which new skin would appear.

Can Tomato Fever be Prevented?

This rare viral disease generally breeds in dirty and unhygienic surroundings. Therefore, make sure to sanitize all areas of your home and keep all surrounding areas clean and hygienic at all times. Besides, if the child gets infected, he/she should be kept in isolation to prevent further spread of the disease among other children. Among siblings, avoid sharing of soap, clothes, toys, and other common items of the infected child.

To Conclude

Tomato Flu is a rare viral disease, however, can be treated at home without the need for much medication. However, many more serious viruses and contagious diseases are on the rise in India and other parts of the world, most of them infecting children as well. Monkeypox is one example.

Therefore, to protect your family’s health and ensure that you have sufficient cost coverage in case of any unforeseen diseases, it’s always a good idea to buy a health insurance plan. Get health insurance for yourself and your family today and stay stress-free from the idea of spending on healthcare costs with the rise in diseases.

Found this post informational? Browse PayBima Blogs to read interesting posts related to Health Insurance, Car Insurance, Bike Insurance, Term Life Insurance and Investment section. You can visit PayBima to Buy Insurance Online.

The post Tomato Flu in India: All About the Rare Viral Disease Symptoms and Treatment appeared first on Paybima Blogs.