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World Heart Day – September 29, 2022 – Theme, History and Significance

When is World Heart Day Celebrated?

To fight against cardiovascular diseases and to raise awareness about them, we celebrate World Heart Day every year on 29 September. Let’s discuss its history and significance.

Since a healthy heart is the gateway to a healthy life, it is important to ensure the health of your heart. With the growing number of heart patients worldwide, it has become a cause of concern of late. As per reports, millions of people die of heart diseases every year, which is an alarming scenario. Thus, to create awareness against heart diseases and to prevent heart diseases by giving it a tough fight, the World Heart Day is celebrated on the 29th of September each year. This year, the organizers have captured a beautiful World Heart Day 2022 theme – ” Use Heart for Every Heart”.

The day is observed by organizing events globally to make people aware about the warning signs of heart diseases so that people can take steps accordingly to avoid the disease. Further, World Heart Day also supports the ones suffering with the ailment and helps them in different ways.

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If you are interested in joining hands to raise awareness further, you can get in touch with the organizers of a World Heart Day event close to you.

History of World Heart Day

The key aim of observing World Heart Day on 29th September is to increase awareness about the heart disease and its symptoms so that it can be controlled to reduce its impact worldwide. The day was introduced by the World Heart Federation in association with the World Health Organization.

The idea of celebrating World Heart Day was visualized by Antoni BayĆ©s de Luna, who was World Heart Federation’s president the at the time of initiating the idea.

Heart ailments are among the common grounds of death worldwide with stroke and coronary heart diseases being the most risky causes. There is a misconception about CVD or cardio-vascular diseases that it impacts people who follow a sedentary lifestyle and is prevalent among developed nations. But the fact is, more deaths are taking place in developing nations due to such diseases in comparison to the developed ones. Poor diet, smoking and no exercise are some of the common causes that lead to coronary heart diseases.

So, to enhance and promote alertness, as many as 90 nations globally observe World Heart Day every year by organizing numerous events. These events serve as effective ways to spread awareness about CVD. Moreover, there is a huge involvement of numerous government and non-government associations of nations where the disease is affecting people largely and taking numerous lives every year.

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Events of the World Heart Day

There are numerous events at the international level sponsored by World Heart Federation. The federation also considers a theme for each year to celebrate the occasion. They disseminate information and hold discussions on various heart ailments at different levels and varied platforms.  Some of them like posters, podcasts and forums are quite popular. The day is also marked by providing free fitness check-ups, fund-raisers and much more. All such events encourage people to stay active and be aware of their health.

Here are some facts about the human Heart and related topics that might interest you:

  • Our heart beats 115,000 times per day
  • The heart pumps 2000 gallons of blood each day
  • The first open heart surgery was done in the year 1893
  • The earliest case of heart disease was identified in a 3500 years old Egyptian Mummy
  • The human heart weighs 1 pound
  • The heart of the blue whale, largest animal in the world, weighs 1500 pounds
  • The heart pumps 1.5 gallons of  blood every minute

How to contribute to the observance of the event on World Heart Day?

Here’s how one can contribute towards Happy World Heart Day celebrations:

  • By undergoing health check-up at a centre near you on the designated day
  • By managing your weight and keeping BMI or body mass index under control
  • By trying to stay active through different physical activities
  • By attending several seminars etc. to learn about different things like CPR, which you can use to help a life
  • By attending fitness lectures and lessons of healthy living

Few Facts about Heart ailments

  • Smoking, High BP and high level of cholesterol are the primary risk factors for heart diseases
  • Every year people spend billions worldwide on heart care, medication etc
  • Consumption of excess sodium has put many people, including children on risk of high blood pressure
  • Taking the early warning signs seriously is important to avoid an extreme situation

Importance of World Heart Day

  • World Heart Day is important because it concerns your heart. So you need to question yourself what all things you can do to keep your heart happy and healthy and act accordingly
  • The day is also important because it highlights several significant events celebrated worldwide to observe the event
  • The importance of the day is also there because it persuade people on maintaining a healthy lifestyle
  • It focuses on healthy living and to give CVD a tough fight to live long and healthy


Now you know when is world heart day celebrated and that it aims to inform people about key heart diseases which cause death.  It also highlights the precautions that can be taken by people to prevent and control the ailments. If you want to stay fit and keep your heart healthy, it is important to exercise, maintain a good lifestyle and avoid habits like drinking and smoking. So, this World Heart Day 2022, promise yourself to stay active and keep your heart in good shape.

Found this post informational? Browse PayBima Blogs to read interesting posts related to Health Insurance, Car Insurance, Bike Insurance, Term Life Insurance and Investment section. You can visit PayBima to Buy Insurance Online.

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Two-wheeler Insurance Benefits in Case of Natural Disaster

Benefits of Bike/Two-wheeler Insurance in Case of a Natural Disaster

Unpredictable weather conditions due to natural disasters  cause havoc to almost everything including your vehicles. Let’s discuss how your bike insurance can benefit in case of damage by natural disasters.

Natural disasters are caused by unpredictable conditions of the weather. These disasters bring upon huge loss to mankind in terms of damaging properties and taking lives. Natural calamities also bring upon damages to your vehicles caused by floods, earthquakes and so on. Thus, to protect your vehicle from such damages caused by natural factors, it is essential to purchase the right bike insurance plan.  With a bike insurance policy covering natural disaster, one can get coverage against damages caused to your bike by cyclone, or by water ingression in the engine of the bike etc.  In this post we will discuss how having bike insurance benefits in case your bike is damaged by natural disasters.

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In what ways are you affected by natural calamities?

India is among the top countries that are hit by natural calamities such as flood, earthquake and cyclones etc.  Reports says that millions of people are affected by natural hazards in the country every year. These calamities destroy everything ranging from buildings, properties, vehicles and much more. In fact, the havoc of one such calamity of nature can be of such magnitude that it can devastate the country within hours or even minutes. Such events disrupt the lives of people in cities as well as in villages.

What does your bike insurance policy Cover?

As per Indian Motor Laws, having a third-party insurance for your bike is essential if you want to ride your bike on the Indian roads. However, the third-party policy only covers the damages of third-party persons and property. So, in case you want to insure your bike against natural disasters and other damages you must buy a comprehensive two-wheeler insurance policy. Unlike the third-party policy, this is not mandatory coverage. However, it protects two-wheelers against any damages caused by nature as well as the ones that are beyond the control of human beings like fire, floods, and so on.

Besides, the comprehensive plan also protects you against unforeseen situations that are caused by mistakes of human like accidents, strikes, terrorism and more.

In what ways does a Comprehensive bike insurance plan support during natural calamities?

If you have comprehensive two-wheeler insurance online, you can raise claims against natural calamities as well as manmade havocs. So, this single plan can save you from varied damages and you may not buy any extra rider or add-on cover. Further, this plan guards your bike against several incidents where it might get injured severely.

Add-on covers that are especially crafted to shield against Natural Disasters

The add-ons of bike insurance plans also play a significant role in adding coverage and strength to your existing policy. Your comprehensive bike insurance plan allows extensive protection against most damages caused to your bike, including third-party and own damages. However, by including a few add-ons you can give extension to your original plan.

Below are certain important bike insurance add-on covers that can further extend your coverage against damages caused by natural calamities. 

Add-on to Protect Engine –  This add-on cover protects against the cost of repairing and changing any parts of your bike engine that is caused due to natural calamity. It further protects against oil leakage, loss of parts of the engine, loss of coolant etc.

Add-on of Zero Depreciation – This add-on protects you against the cost of replacement of parts without taking into account the depreciation of your bike.  Also known as bumper to bumper cover, this add-on saves you from paying the depreciation amount of your vehicle from your pocket.

Consumables Add-on –  Items such as engine and gear oil, distill water, lubricants, grease oil etc. are the consumable items. Most of these items are not covered under your regular bike insurance plans and thus you need a consumable add-on to cover it.

Read More: Benefits of Comprehensive Online Bike Insurance Policy

Does your bike insurance offer total loss in case of natural calamity?

Yes, you can have coverage on the total loss of your insured bike if it is caused by any natural disaster. In this case, if the complete repair cost surpasses 75% of IDV or Insured Declared Value of the bike, the vehicle is regarded as total loss. So, in such a situation the insurance company will offer compensation by paying the insured the IDV of the bike as per policy terms.

Policyholders can use a bike insurance premium calculator to calculate the premium of a comprehensive two-wheeler insurance policy as well as  IDV of a bike.


Natural disasters are phenomena of nature which cannot be controlled by human beings. If you are scared that a natural calamity might befall your bike and damage it, you may buy the best two-wheeler insurance comprehensive plan along with a few add-ons to cover both natural and man-made havoc.

Also, you can modify your existing policy to a comprehensive policy during the time of two-wheeler insurance renewal online to get the exact coverage you wish for.

Also Read: Best Bike Insurance Companies in India

Found this post informational? Browse PayBima Blogs to read interesting posts related to Health Insurance, Car Insurance, Bike Insurance, Term Life Insurance and Investment section. You can visit PayBima to Buy Insurance Online.

The post Two-wheeler Insurance Benefits in Case of Natural Disaster appeared first on Paybima Blogs.

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