Sunday, October 9, 2022

Celebrate Global Handwashing Day

Washing hands is something we all do every day. However, on 15th October let’s give the act some extra thought as we celebrate Global handwashing day. Let’s learn more about the event in this post!

Handwashing is a regular act for everyone that is practiced every day. However, have you ever heard of a day devoted especially for cleanliness and hygiene. Yes! Global Handwashing Day is a special day celebrated on October 15 every year that is dedicated to hand hygiene.

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Hand washing was such a normal thing that nobody even gave any thought until the pandemic of covid-19 hit. The impact that covid-19 had, it changed the entire scope of cleanliness and hygiene. Washing hands became a dedicated ritual along with several other minute yet significant cleanliness hacks to control the spread of the disease.

And not just it prevented the spread of the virus, it also taught people the importance and the relation between health and hygiene, which was not given a serious thought before. Hence, it can be said that the global pandemic indeed gave a new meaning to handwashing.

Despite the existence of the global handwashing day since the year 2008, the real significance of the day and its relevance was realized since the covid-19 days.

Why and When is Global Handwashing Day Celebrated?

The Global Handwashing Day is celebrated on October 15 every year to create awareness and to make people know that handwashing can help in curbing the spread of diseases.  Thus, it encourages more and more people to wash their hands within society.

Theme and slogan of Global Handwashing Day

The theme for 2022 global handwashing day is “health care quality and safety climate or culture”, while its slogan is “Unite for safety: clean your hands”.

History of Global Handwashing Day

Global Handwashing Partnership initiated the concept of  Global Handwashing Day at World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden. It was introduced to design and practice creative ways in which the organizers could encourage people to apply hygiene in their lives by means of washing hands with soap, particularly during critical times.

In 2008, the first world handwashing day was celebrated where over 120 million school children in across 70 countries globally celebrated the event by washing hands with soap. Since that time, it was practiced and used as a way to celebrate cleanliness and spread awareness. The day presents a good message to the public about the importance and value of cleanliness. It states that the simple act of hand washing can make a lot of difference in saving lives.

Over the years, the impact and significance of global Handwashing Day has grown manifold and the concept is endorsed and promoted by many public and private associations and organizations.

Aim of Global Handwashing Day

The Global Handwashing Day was initiated with the aim to create:

  • Culture of handwashing using soap in all societies
  • Create awareness on the significance of washing hands across countries
  • Inform people about the benefits of washing hands with soap

How to celebrate the Event – Global Handwashing Day

Here are the things you can do:

  • You can post information about the event on social media to raise awareness about its significance
  • You can get involved to promote the event across your community by means of posters and fliers etc. near public places like parks and schools
  • You can practice hand washing with soap as a habit particularly before eating meals, before preparing food and after using the washroom

Interesting facts about Global Handwashing Day

  • Hand hygiene saves lives by reducing the mortality rate caused by different diseases including respiratory , diarrheal and other diseases
  • India played a significant role in the first Global Handwashing Day celebrated in 2008. The event was joined by Sachin Tendulkar, the Cricket legend of the country and his teammates along with over 100 million children to promote it for health and hygiene awareness
  • You would be surprised to know that only 60% of population across globe has access to the essential facility of handwashing
  • Many people lack the facility of handwashing due to the unavailability of soap and water, especially in countries like Ethiopia

To Conclude

Hand washing should be a habit for each and every one of us. We should implement hand washing as a ritual before meals in the family. Hand washing as an act should be promoted across homes, workplaces, educational institutions, health centers and so on.

The global handwashing day works as a reminder to remind people to always wash hands, especially during times such as the recent pandemic. This is an act that saves lives and it requires only 2 basic things – soap and water.

Further, to stay healthy and to stay away from diseases, buying health insurance plans is also very important. With the best health insurance in India, you not only keep yourself and your family safe from diseases, you can also get financial security.

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The post Celebrate Global Handwashing Day appeared first on Paybima Blogs.

Celebrate World Mental Health Day

10th October is marked as the International Mental Health Day celebrated to raise awareness on the various issues pertaining to mental health across the globe. Let’s learn more about it in this post.

Multiple aspects can give rise to mental health issues. Some of these factors can be associated with your external conditions, while others may be related to your biology. Psychological trauma, loss of loved ones, feeling neglected etc., are some of the things that might cause mental trouble among people. Stress and anxiety are also among some of the reasons that cause Mental health issues, especially in the current scenario of fast paced life.

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The objective of celebrating World Mental Health Day on October 10th every year is to enhance awareness among people about the various issues of mental health around the world and to support people in dealing with such issues. Let’s understand the situation in a better way in this post.

History of World Mental Health Day

There was a time when people considered mental health issues as social stigma. No one liked to talk about it. Thus, people used to hide if someone in the family suffered from mental health conditions.

To raise awareness about these issues and to make people accept mental health illnesses as any other disease, the event of World Mental Health Day was initiated. Through this event, people were educated about mental health as well as created awareness to support against this social stigma.

The first celebration of Mental Health Day was initiated on October 10 in the year 1992 by World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH), which is an organization of global mental health with branches in over 150 countries.

Over the years, the situation of Mental health has seen immense changes since the World Federation of Mental Health (WFMH) officially founded the mental health day on 10th Oct. In fact, most of the changes seen across the globe are positive and have changed for the betterment of the society.

People, over the years, have become more self-aware and sensitive towards mental conditions. The language and the attitude towards mentally disturbed people have also changed over the years. However, despite all the learning and changes that society has seen, there is still much more scope.

When the World Mental Health Day was created, the organizers were still unsure about a precise objective of the Day except to advocate mental health conditions as a whole. They had a challenging road ahead to change a plethora of things that were making the difficult situation of mental health all the more worse for people. With constant work on the global scale, the WFMH could make immense changes in the situation and improve the mental health service quality across the globe.

The event saw numerous themes and encompassed numerous causes of mental health among women, children and their health as well as trauma, suicide, work related and other issues.  As a result, mental health illness is not seen as a stigma anymore. People are more aware and knowledgeable about such conditions than they were a decade ago.

Theme of World Mental Health Day 2022

The theme for World Mental Health Day 2022 is “Mental Health in an Unequal World’.  The theme was announced officially by the World Federation for Mental Health.

Global Impact of World Mental Health Day

As a worldwide impact on World Mental Health Day, many incidents took place across the globe which gave rise to more discussions on the subject. It created  further awareness as new themes were conceived and several aspects of mental health became common globally.

How to know if someone has mental health issues?

In some cases, it becomes difficult for the people to understand if they are suffering from mental health issues unless they consult a mental health expert.  Thus, it is essential to consult professional help in case you have any serious mental health condition.  Some of the common signs of mental health issues are change in appetite, change in sleep pattern, instant mood changes, withdrawal symptoms, having problems in rational thinking and so on.

To Sum Up

Mental health issues like other illnesses are increasing in recent times. These diseases like others have the potential to cause a hole in your pocket. So, it is always better to look for good health insurance plans to  save you from the financial crisis that it might create. Further, a health insurance policy is also required to cover the costs incurred on healthcare on a regular basis.

On this World Mental Health Day, make sure to cover yourself and your family members against several health conditions including mental health issues by buying a health insurance plan for your complete family. This way, you can be better equipped to give mental health conditions a tough fight.

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The post Celebrate World Mental Health Day appeared first on Paybima Blogs.