Sunday, November 13, 2022

Why You Need to Be Worried About High Blood Pressure?

Hypertension or High Blood Pressure (BP) is the cause of many critical diseases. In this post, let us discuss high blood pressure symptoms and ailments that are triggered by it. So, read on!

Though it is difficult to know the exact cause of many diseases, there are several illnesses that are associated with or are caused by your lifestyle. These diseases include chronic ailments and other illnesses that people suffer from. Moreover, along with lifestyle these diseases could be the result of genetics as well as the environment that surrounds you.

Hypertension or high BP is one such cause that triggers many diseases. In many instances, there are hardly any warning signs and the patient get diagnosed only when the situation becomes critical. On the other hand, there are some people who come to know about their blood pressure being high after going through a regular check-up or while getting a check-up for another ailment. The risk of such ailments gets high if the patient has hypertension. So, let’s discuss what causes high blood pressure and other aspects in this post.

Health Conditions Caused by High Blood Pressure: What Should you be Prepared for?

One should be prepared to face aggravated health conditions caused by high blood pressure because high BP comes with no warning signs at times. Thus, having an all-inclusive health insurance is important to cover you and your family so that you can stay away from the worries of getting into severe health situations due to high BP.

As we know, the consequences brought about by high BP can, at times, be deadly.  Hence, it is necessary to stay prepared. Further, it is also known that there are many people who are even unaware that they are patients of hypertension. So, when a health emergency strikes suddenly requiring hospitalization, people can easily sail through the expenses with health insurance. Hence, by buying a health insurance policy at an affordable price, one can ensure the financial security of the individual and his/her family without getting into huge burden of debts.

Why is Hypertension so Risky?

As mentioned above, hypertension at times does not come with any warning signs. It emerges suddenly without any high blood pressure symptoms. Moreover, high BP can get your blood vessels and other organs strained, which in turn can lead to severe health risks such as heart attack, stroke, kidney malfunction and so on. Thus, it is essential to stay covered under a health insurance plan and to get regular check-ups to identify symptoms caused by hypertension.

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Do you Need to be Concerned about High Blood Pressure?

Keeping a tab on your blood pressure is important especially because it might enhance the risk of many health conditions. There are several factors that raise the risks of getting hypertension, which in turn raises the risk of several critical diseases.  Many of these factors are within the control of human beings and can be taken care of. Making certain changes in lifestyle allow individuals to control such factors that might cause hypertension. Habits like excess consumption of alcohol, drinking too much caffeine, or being a chain smoker can enhance your chances of having high BP. Also, not being active or not doing any workout, being sleep deprived, consumption of  too much salt and being overweight are other causes that might enhance the risk of high BP.  Further, there are other factors like hereditary, age etc. which are also causes of high BP, especially among people above 65 years of age.

In the above situation, if you fall under any of the above categories, it is important to be cautious and concerned about your BP. So, in such a case, you must keep a check on your BP by regularly checking and managing it. You can get your BP checked at any nearby clinic or at home by using a BP monitor.

8 Ways to Reduce the Risk of High Blood Pressure

If you are at risk of hypertension or have already developed it, you may follow the below tips to control it.  Even if you are a fitness enthusiast it is still possible that you may develop high BP, so better to stay covered with an all-inclusive health insurance plan along with maintaining blood pressure with the help of the below mentioned tips:

    1. Keep your weight under control by shedding the excess weight – High BP and weight are linked closely. If your weight increases, it results in the chances of getting high BP.  Similarly, if you have an excess amount of belly fat, it is also an indication of high risk of getting hypertension. So, it is important to reduce belly fat by shedding excess weight and maintain your waistline for staying away from high blood pressure.
    2. Don’t leave exercise – Exercise is very important to curb high BP. So, if not more, at least practice half an hour of regular exercise daily to lower your BP. However, you must be consistent in terms of the regular exercises you practice as without consistent activity you will not get proper benefits and results. So, move your body through activities like running and walking, cycling or swimming etc. If you visit the gym, you can practice weight training or other exercise forms as per the guidance of the coach. However, it is important to check with your doctor if you are just starting a new exercise regime.
    3. Keep a watch on the food you eat –  Patients of hypertension are generally advised on Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension or DASH diet. This diet is said to help patients of hypertension in curbing the condition of high BP.  This diet encourages the patients to consume whole grains along with fruits and vegetables.  Low fat dairy products are also encouraged to consume under this DASH diet. Further, people are encouraged to eat home cooked and fresh food and limit the consumption of ghee and refined flour. Overall, you are likely to avoid cholesterol and high saturated fats.
    4. Limit your salt consumption  – Most food items you eat outside in the restaurants as well as the packed food are often high in sodium. consuming them regularly will make your taste buds used to such flavors.  On the other hand, consuming home cooked food will help to control your salt intake, which will control blood pressure. Hence, try to keep the sodium intake restricted for best results.
    5. Avoid excess consumption of alcohol – Though moderate consumption of alcohol within one or two drinks per day can be effective in reducing blood pressure levels. But if you consume beyond that level, you may be at risk of high blood pressure. Conversely, if you already are affected by high BP and under medication you may avoid alcohol consumption completely.
    6. Quit smoking  – Like alcohol, smoking is also a bad habit that increases the risk of high blood pressure. Hence, it is best to quit smoking to help your body stay away from several risks like cardiovascular diseases to cancer etc caused by high BP.
    7. Limit caffeine –  Caffeine is also said to enhance blood pressure among some people, though it has not been confirmed. However, it is still better to limit the intake of coffee for best health results.
    8. Stay relaxed – Pressures of any kind are not good for patients of hypertension. Thus, it is better to identify things that trigger stress and work to keep them at bay. Try to relax with positive thoughts and activities that you like as it acts as effective high blood pressure treatment.

Read More: Health Insurance for Hypertension Patients and It’s Benefits

To Conclude 

Hypertension is a risky disease and if you have a certain high blood pressure range, it is better to buy a high BP monitor and keep it at home so that you can keep on checking your blood pressure easily. Further buying a good health insurance plan covering ailments caused by high BP is also necessary.  Moreover, a patient with high blood pressure should also plan a life insurance cover to secure his/her family in case of sudden misfortune.

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What are Health Insurance Riders and Their Relevance

Understanding the significance of riders for health insurance and knowing why they are relevant in India.

We already understand the invaluable place health insurance holds in each of our lives. Without a health insurance plan in place, we can fall helpless in times of medical emergencies, which often come unannounced. With a mediclaim policy, we can be rest assured that we don’t end up burning a hole in our pocket with one single hospitalization, when required. While comprehensive health insurance largely covers nearly all of the expenses incurred during a hospital stay, sometimes, additional benefits are required to enhance the coverage of your plan.

The riders for health insurance therefore enter the picture, offering add-on benefits to the policyholder, which enhance the insurance coverage of the base plan. These riders definitely come at an extra cost to the policyholder; however, the benefits they provide are surely worth the price. Here we discuss in detail what health insurance riders are and what is their relevance in the Indian health insurance industry.

What is a Rider in Health Insurance?

The health insurance rider definition in a medi-claim plan refers to an add-on benefit that can be attached to your base health insurance policy. This means that the rider needs to be purchased separately, over and above the base policy, in order to further increase the coverage of the health insurance policy. These add-on benefit riders come at an extra cost to the policyholder in terms of the total premium payable.

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Relevance of a Health Insurance Rider

We pay a certain amount of premium towards the maintenance of a health insurance policy. And now if someone asks us to pay an additional amount to avail the benefit of an add-on rider, it doesn’t always come easy for everyone to accept such a proposal. Hence, we discuss here the actual importance or relevance of a health care rider in our country to help you make a wise and informed decision when it comes to buying health insurance rider benefits.

In order to discuss the relevance of health insurance riders, let us look at the different types available at the moment and how each of them is important to our health insurance:

    • Personal Accident Waiver Rider: As the name suggests, this benefit is designed to cover the monetary losses incurred in an accident that happened during the term of the policy. The insured may suffer some other losses as well, such as complete disability, permanent partial disability, or even death due to accident. In such unfortunate cases, a monetary benefit for the family of the insured can be added to the base insurance plan at a minimal cost under the personal accident waiver. The accident rider health insurance would cover all medical expenditure on the treatment of accidental injury or any disability caused due to the accident. In the unfortunate demise of the insured during the accident, a monetary death benefit, twice the amount stated in the health plan, would be given to the family of the insured.
    • Hospital Cash Rider: This is one of the widely chosen rider benefits in health insurance plans. This is because it helps the insured and their family cover the daily cash requirement in case of emergency hospitalization. All everyday medical expenses at the hospital during the stay of the insured are covered by the insurer as part of this rider benefit. The total daily cash is paid to the policyholder upon completion of the policy term. The insured can then use the amount for the specified number of days as stated in the health insurance policy.
    • Critical Illness Rider: What is Critical Illness Rider in health insurance? This add-on benefit would help you cover all medical expenditure incurred during any serious or life-threatening disease. A few examples include heart attack, kidney failure, cancer, lung disease, and the like. The Critical Illness Rider is generally not a part of the basic health insurance plan and needs to be purchased as an add-on benefit by the policyholder. The latter then receives a lump sum amount under the rider benefit. This amount is regardless of the total expenditure done as part of the critical illness treatment. Make sure to check with your insurer the list of critical diseases covered under the rider before purchase.
    • Maternity Rider: As is evident from the name, the Maternity Rider benefit is designed to offer monetary benefits to the insured during maternity and childbirth. However, note that this rider benefit can be availed by the insured only after the completion of the waiting period. In some cases, this could be more than 2 years, based on the plan chosen by the policyholder. Some insurers also provide maternity rider benefits for the child after their birth until the maturity of the policy term. Make sure to check with the insurance company what benefits they offer under the maternity rider coverage before opting for one.
    • Room Rent Waiver Rider: This benefit is highly preferred by most policyholders since it allows them to choose a hospital room of their choice during the time of admission. This is irrespective of the fixed room rent demanded by the hospital for different types of rooms – general, semi-private or private rooms. With this rider, the policyholder can opt for any room without the need to pay any extra admission fee. Moreover, the flexibility to choose a higher sub-limit or no limit plan is also available as part of the room rent waiver rider.

Read More: 5 Important Riders You Must Add to Your Health Insurance Policy

Summing Up

We learned in the blog what an optional rider is for health insurance. It is termed optional because the policyholder is free to choose these riders over and above the base health insurance plan already purchased. Though optional and available at a slightly additional cost, the riders for health insurance are worth every penny spent. They help enhance the coverage of your mediclaim policy, offering financial protection at a time when it is most needed. To know more about all the available riders for health insurance and the various health insurance plans, visit PayBima.

Found this post informational? Browse PayBima Blogs to read interesting posts related to Health Insurance, Car Insurance, Bike Insurance, Term Life Insurance and Investment section. You can visit PayBima to Buy Insurance Online.

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