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Know About your Normal Blood Sugar Level by Age

Blood sugar is the glucose present in blood, and the blood sugar level is the quantity of glucose concentrated in your blood.  Let us read about what normal blood sugar is and its levels in this post.

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What is Blood Sugar and What is normal blood sugar level?

Blood sugar is the amount of glucose or sugar present in a person’s blood at a certain time. Glucose or sugar level is different for different people. For someone who is healthy and not suffering from any diseases like diabetes, the level of blood sugar should be within the range of 90 – 110 mg/dL.

A blood sugar level that is low or high is not regarded as healthy and can lead to serious health conditions. Such conditions need immediate medical treatment and attention. So, knowing the blood sugar levels is important. In this post, we will help you to know about the normal blood sugar level in the human body. Also, we will discuss the factors that affect your blood sugar, about the symptoms of high blood sugar as well as discuss the chart of normal blood sugar level as per age.

What is the Normal Blood Sugar Level for Adults?

Blood sugar levels are measured in terms of high, low and normal. The measurement is done as per the level of glucose that is present in a person’s blood. Glucose is a form of sugar that is present in the bloodstream of people. The normal levels of blood sugar can be accurately calculated when the blood sugar is tested at different times such as normal fasting blood sugar level or when a person has not eaten for over 8 hours as well as normal blood sugar level after a meal or when a person has eaten just 2 hours back. For an adult without any disease like diabetes and who has not eaten for 8 hours, the blood sugar level should be less than 100 mg/dL.

In a different scenario, if an adult person who is not a diabetic and who has just had his/her meals before two hours, the normal random blood sugar level should be  within the range of 90 to 110 mg/dL.

Factors Affecting Blood Sugar Levels

There are several factors that affect the blood sugar level of normal range of a person during the course of the day. Below are some such factors to take note of:

  • The food you consume affects your blood sugar levels
  • The amount of food intake also affects your blood sugar
  • The time of consuming food also matters for blood sugar levels
  • The kind of physical activity you indulge in or doesn’t do also affects the same
  • If you are consuming certain medicines, that might also affect your blood sugar levels
  • Any illness or medical condition might also have an impact of your blood sugar
  • Age and Stress levels of people are factors that also affect the same
  • Other factors like dehydration, illness, menstrual periods and consumption of alcohol also play a role in the blood sugar levels of people

As discussed above, you already know that an individual’s ideal blood sugar level is likely to be less than 100 mg/dL, provided the person is not diabetic. This blood sugar level is tested and calculated in the morning when your stomach is empty. This is due to the reason that the level of blood sugar may fluctuate during the course of the day because of many reasons.

Normal Blood Sugar Level Chart – As Per Age

So, we already know that the normal sugar levels in blood changes as per age. Let us check the changes in blood sugar levels in the form of a normal blood sugar levels chart as per age and category of people.

Normal blood sugar levels – Children (below 6 years)

Fasting 80 mg/dL to 180 mg/dL
Before Meal 100 mg/dL to 180 mg/dL
1-2 Hours after Eating Around 180 mg/dL
Bedtime 110 mg/dL to 200 mg/dL

Normal blood sugar levels – Adolescents (6 to 12 years)

Fasting 80 mg/dL to 180 mg/dL
Before Meal 90 mg/dL to 180 mg/dL
1-2 Hours after Eating Up to 140 mg/dL
Bedtime 100 mg/dL to 180 mg/dL

Normal blood sugar levels – Teens (13 to 19 years)

Fasting 70 mg/dL to 150 mg/dL
Before Meal 90 mg/dL to 130 mg/dL
1-2 Hours after Eating Up to 140 mg/dL
Bedtime 90 mg/dL to 150 mg/dL

Normal blood sugar levels for Adults (20 years and above)

Fasting Less than 100 mg/dL
Before Meal 70 mg/dL to 130 mg/dL
1-2 Hours after Eating Less than 180 mg/dL
Bedtime 100 mg/dL to 140 mg/dL

So, you now know about the normal blood sugar levels chart by age. If the blood sugar levels in different categories as mentioned above is more than what is written, it is considered as high blood sugar. Likewise, if the blood sugar level in any category is lower than what is mentioned above, it is considered as low blood sugar.

9 Common Symptoms of Low Blood Sugar

The condition of dropping blood sugar to an extreme low is termed as Hypoglycemia. It is caused by several reasons, such as;

  1. In case of some type of diabetes
  2. Due to use of certain medications
  3. Excess consumption of Alcohol
  4. Due to some Endocrine diseases
  5. Because  of eating disorders
  6. In case of pregnancy
  7. Liver disorder
  8. Kidney diseases
  9. Heart ailments

4 Common Symptoms of High Blood Sugar

The condition of high blood sugar  is called Hyperglycemia and it is caused due to factors like:.

  1. If you are a patient of Type 1 diabetes
  2. If you suffer from Type 2 diabetes
  3. Due to Stress or illness
  4. Due to the Dawn phenomenon etc.

Read More: 6 Benefits of Healthy Eating & Regular Exercise

To Sum Up

By making certain lifestyle changes, one can control their high blood sugar levels. You should eat whole food low in sugar with minimal processing. Regular exercise is also needed along with consuming lots of water. Further, if required you must take proper medications as per doctor’s recommendations.

It is seen that normal blood sugar level in pregnancy keeps changing and might get high. So, keeping a tab of your normal blood sugar levels during the pregnancy chart is also important.

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