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10 Ways to Lower the Risks of Getting Cancer

Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases of the present time that has spread like wildfire all over the globe. In this post, we are discussing some cancer prevention practices to lower the risks of the getting cancer.

The  severity of cancer is known to all. Cancer has been recognized as a fatal disease for a long time now. However, the advancement in medical technology and long years of research on the disease has revealed certain practices which when followed can reduce the risk of the disease.

So, in this blog let us discuss some cancer prevention practices to help people reduce its risks.  But before that let us know about cancer in detail.

What is Cancer? Why is it regarded as a deadly disease? 

Cancer is a deadly disease because it involves an abnormal growth of cells in the human body. Cancer cells start growing uncontrollably and spread to different parts and organs of the body. As we know, a human body continuously produces new cells to replace the ones which die out. In case of some individuals the new cells are grown much faster than needed. Moreover, they grow in places where the old cells are already there and they have not yet died. Such conditions lead to cancer.

Let us now discuss how to prevent cancer by following certain practices that may help people lower the risks of the disease.

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10 Practices to Lower the Risk of Cancer

Below are some practices that can be followed to prevent cancer among people:

  1. Say No to Tobacco –  Smoking tobacco increases the risk of cancer to a great extent. Further, it also enhances the risk of other diseases like heart attack, asthma, and Osteoporosis etc.  So, getting rid of smoking is important if you want to reduce the risk of cancer.
  2. Eating well and healthy – Eating well is important for everyone. In fact,  it is not just restricted to preventing cancer but goes beyond it. If you continue to eat red meat and saturated fat on a regular basis, it will definitely increase your chances of getting cancer. Thus, it is important to include vegetables, fruits, whole grains etc, in your diet and lower the intake of unhealthy food items.
  3. Staying Active via work out – Like healthy eating, staying active via workouts is also important. This is also considered one of the preventive measures of cancer to reduce its risk. Staying active keeps one fit and healthy and limits their chances of getting ill. Though it is not important to aim for losing weight,  if you want to shed some extra kilos you must be consistent with regular exercise.
  4. Maintaining the right body weight – As per research, an excessive amount of fat is the result of an unhealthy lifestyle and it causes obesity.  Obesity increases the risk of various forms of cancer. Thus eating healthy food is important to lose excess fat and to reduce the risk of cancer.
  5. Restricting the consumption of alcohol? – Consuming alcohol in excess also enhances the chances of different types of cancer. If you drink alcohol, it should be taken within a particular limit so that you do not overdo it. Also, cutting down alcohol is important to stay away from many other diseases along with cancer.
  6. Avoiding exposure to radiation – Exposure to radiations of any type is not good for people. So, medical tests like x-rays and various other imaging studies should be carried on only when it is very necessary. Because these procedures expose us to various harmful radiations, which should be avoided.  Along with other radiations, it is also better to avoid exposure to sunlight, especially from 10 am to 4 pm as it contains the harmful UV or ultraviolet rays that enhances the risk of certain kinds of cancer.  Thus, it is important to protect your skin from such rays by limiting sun exposure during that time.
  7. Avoiding exposure to toxins? – Asbestos, PCBs and benzene are some substances that are known to enhance the risk of various types of cancer. Many nations have banned Asbestos. However, in India, asbestos  are used for different purposes, though its mining has been banned in the country.
  8. Staying away and safe from some infections – Cancer risk is enhanced because of certain infections like HIV, hepatitis, herpes etc.  Thus, it is important to take the required precautions against such infections to stay away from them and also to reduce the risk of cancer.
  9. Getting quality and adequate sleep – We may not have considered sleep to play such an important role in keeping us fit and healthy. But the fact is, sleep does play an integral part in keeping us fresh. Without enough quality sleep our body becomes tired.  Not only does sleep make us fresh, but it also helps the body to rest. Lack of sleep is related to gaining weight, which is related to the risk of getting cancer. Thus, adequate sleep is indeed important.
  10. Proper intake of vitamin D – As per some research, you can reduce the risk of some cancer types via intake of sufficient amounts of vitamin D daily. This you can do by eating the right food that are sources of ample vitamin D as well as spending enough time under the early morning sun.

Read More: Best Health Insurance Plans for Cancer Patients

To Sum Up

By following the above steps of cancer prevention and control as well as by practicing precaution in general, it is possible to lead a healthy life. This way you not only reduce the risk of deadly diseases like cancer, but can also stay fit and away from different other illnesses.

In addition to keeping a healthy way of life, it is equally important to be prepared with comprehensive health insurance with cancer cover from a reputed health insurance provider. Cancer is a disease that appears unexpectedly. Moreover, its treatment is also very costly. Thus, getting a cancer cover policy against this deadly disease is indeed essential. Thus, most people these days are investing in critical health insurance plans to support them against unforeseen situations in life.

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